Ordering a CD

1. From Europe

Send me the order form together with

- an Eurocheque in Euro, in the amount of Euro 10.- + 2.50 (CD + shipping)
- an International money order in the amount of US$ 15,- or Euro 12.50
- cash (foreign currency: bank note-exchange rate buy, no coins please), at your own risk!
- a transfer of Euro 10.- + 2.50 (CD + Shipping) to my German Bank account Nr 79 1111 64 on
    Sparkasse Zollernalb (BLZ 653 512 60), or to my address (especially from Italy and France).
    This works fine from most European countries.
    Please do not forget to write on the coupon (small part) your name, address and country!
    Please also send the order form by mail or e-mail!

2. From the USA

Send me the order form together with

- a personal check or cashier's check drawn on a US bank in the amount of US$ 14.- + US$ 3.- shipping.
- an international money order in the amount of US$ 15.-
- a check in Euro drawn on a German bank (Euro 12.50).
- Cash: US$ 15.-, at your own risk!

3. From the rest of the world

Send me the order form together with

- a check or international money order in US$ or Euro in the amount of US$ 15 / Euro 12.50
- the same amount in cash, at your own risk. If you send your own currency,
    please add the equivalent of about Euro 2.50 for our bank handling fees.
    Please do NOT send coins!