The Bonaire CD

I scanned the best of our pictures from the Island and copied them to a picture CD.
If you like you can buy the CD and view it on your home PC.
All pictures are taken from Bonaire or from its beautiful under water areas.
The CD contains a slide show with 200 pictures about Bonaire. Each picture is also available as bit map on the CD.
Bonaire - The Divers Paradise

Bonaire Plate (32k) Bonaire is located north of Venezuela in the Caribbean sea. Bonaire belongs to the so called ABC Island (Aruba, Bonaire Curacao).
The island is well known for its beautiful dive sides. You can see the term Divers paradise even on the number plates of the cars on Bonaire.

Pink Beach (44k) This is pink beach. A nice bathing and diving side.
It is called pink beach because the sand seems to be bright pink.

Queen Angelfish (75k) Macro shot of the Queen angle fish

The following are motives from above, on and under the island. All pictures on this page
can also be found on the CD and are part of the slide show.
Giant Sponge (88k) Flying Bird (36k) Bougainvillae (47k) Bonaire sunset (44k)

Ordering the CD
More Bonaire Pictures

For more information about Bonaire refer to the links below. Please inform me, if they are no longer valid.

Bonaire Diving Homepage
Bonaire News Group

For comments or questions please send an e-mail to 
Last modication of this Site: 07.03.99